Finals Got Me Like

Image result for tired annoyed emoji

Finals season is rough. Students start looking rough, smelling rough, you name it! I personally sound like a man with a deep voice right now. During finals students are tired, exhausted, randomly hungry at times, stressed and so much more.

While studying at my school library I have seen students get up and leave, settling for a low grade they know they’re about to get. Other students study nonstop until they are prepared.

Students look at finals one of two ways: ‘If you don’t know the material by now, there is no point in trying to learn it,’ while others believe ‘this is my last shot so I have to make the most of it.’

What helps me during finals season is focusing on things that motivate me. Remembering ‘why’ you are studying helps in staying focused. I recently joined a Instagram live where a beautiful, strong woman, named Angie, discussed her process of becoming a CRNA. She has been my motivation these past couple of days. Feel free to check her out on Instagram.

What motivate(s/d) you while attending college? I would love to hear! Respond in the comments section below.


Yours truly,

Whitney Darling

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